Wednesday, May 6, 2009

A button on it

View from St. Paul's
Originally uploaded by chlorinebeach
My father suggested I make some kind of wrap-up post about my adventure, and I realized that time was kind of slipping away for that.

To be perfectly honest, I'm really not a very good blogger- I hardly ever remember to update, and I hold myself to very strange rules. So I hope anybody who has been reading this blog has enjoyed it at least a little.

Obviously I had a great time, and other than the extremely obvious "I learned about other cultures!!!", I mostly gained self-confidence.

Because you know what? I can book a vacation across the UK involving trains, hostels, and connecting busses. I can enjoy Paris while knowing less than 20 words in French. AND, I can make big, scary decisions on my own.

I also learned that I really really love city life. I'm obsessed with the idea that I can walk out my front door and go see a play, or get a cup of coffee, or go to a museum.

London isn't my new favorite city, I'll give you that. It's not a bad city, it just doesn't necessarily sing to me. Decent people, decent entertainment, but it's nothing I couldn't find in NY, where they don't shut down the subway and the people come in a few more colors.

Should you desire to continue following my little life, you can watch my other blog: , where I'll probably be doing a post soon on my travel necessities. You can also follow me on Twitter- my username is BefWithAnF, or you can just click on the link in the sidebar.

Thanks again, you guys, for keeping up with me, and I hope to see you all really soon!

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