Monday, March 2, 2009

Notes from the Road: Glasgow edition

Hello all! Thought you wouldn't hear from me, did you? Wrong!

The bus ride up to Glagow was good. Long, tedious, and a smelley guy, but I guess that's how the bus is- I read half of a book Sarah lent me (the one I meant to bring, 'A Room With A View', I accidentally left in my backpack, which was below the bus). I messed up our hostel booking, but they were really nice about it and gave us some better rooms that were avaliable for the same price as we would have paid for the ones I made the reservation for.

Glasgow itself was very beautiful. Many of the buildings are from the Victorain era (which is when it was a boom town), so it's interesting to think that that is what London would have been more like if it hadn't been bombed all apart during the war. All of the people who live there are very friendly too! I didn't feel any ill will toward me as a tourist at any point, and everybody was very friendly and polite.

We went on a self-guided walking tour, saw a few museums, looked at the school, and walked up the side of the necropolis near the cathedral, which had GREAT views. I took about 100 pictures, and don't worry- they'll be up on Flickr as soon as I get home.

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