Monday, January 19, 2009

Forget London, I'm going to Hogwarts!

Today we walked to Euston station to buy our tickets for the train/ferry to Dublin, and in our usual roundabout way, we wound up at King's Cross station, where we of course HAD to take photos of ourselves at platform 9 3/4 (ultra touristy moment #1, check!).

The weather held up quite nicely, and only rained while we were inside buying our tickets, which I find a quite agreeable arrangement. Mostly the weather here seems to be like Binghamton- doom and gloom predicted every day, but then bright + sunny when I get up in the morning, and sort of variable throughout the day.

So, who is reading this Blog? I know of a few people who have said they are, but even if you've already told me, give me a shout out in the comments (a blog is very lonely without comments)! Tell me somewhere you think I should go, or something you think I should write about, or just say hi.

And if you want a postcard, you had better send me an e-mail with your address before I run out of money...


Giselda Beaudin said...

I'm reading this blog and I love it--it helps me realize my job actually has a real (and fun) purpose! And I had no idea London had instituted platform 9 3/4--how delightfully cheesy.

Beth said...

@ Giselda- aww, glad I could make you feel that way! You were very helpful for my trip preparations.

And it was truly a delightful bit of cheesy.

Unknown said...

I too am reading it, although my motives may be slightly more...sinister. Hehe, keep living it up!