Thursday, January 29, 2009

things I love Thursday

DSCN2229, originally uploaded by galadarling.

(Things I love thursday, or TiLT for short, was started by the fabulous Gala Darling, life/style icon to the world. Check out her site at!!!)

Victor Grippo: I went to the Tate Modern today, and his art was just exactly what I needed to see at that very moment. I think it's magical when things like that happen.

Texture I felt very texturally dressed today, and walking around TM I couldn't help but admire some of the outfits that people were wearing more than the art itself. You ever want to run up + lick the art in the museums? I felt that way about some sweaters today.

Don Boros: This man is a fantastic professor, and one of my personal heroes. His 309 class I took last spring was uber informative and had been the most fantastic thing in terms of understanding museums I have ever done for myself. I can't wait to take the Alternative Performance techniques class with him!

Waiting for Godot: For the uninformed, I am going to see Godot in March, starring Ian McKellen, Simon Callow, + Patrick Stewart. Needless to say, I am vomiting with excitement!!!!

Honorable Mentions: Lioness hair, Metallic Pink Nail Polish, New Friends named Jill, Skype, Getting my Hands dirty, Paint, Couples, the South Bank, Friendly Londonders, Settling in, Tent Dresses, Tea.

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